First gig of the year – Maximise your life, Jillian Michaels

Well I don’t know if it counts as a gig, but tomorrow I will see Jillian Michaels of Biggest Loser fame as part of her Maximise Your Life Tour. I don’t know what to expect, but I imagine there won’t be any singing!

I am a huge Jillian fan, from Biggest Loser to her fitness DVDs I find her inspiring and am known to spout ‘unless you faint, puke or die, Keep Running!’ to anyone who joins me on a run! Once I saw she was coming to the UK I booked tickets immediately, I really believe that when American stars find their way across the pond to us that we should show our support and then hopefully they’ll come over more often

Its true I’ve fallen off the weight loss, healthy eating wagon of late and have a decent amount of weight to lose to feel healthy again.  Not thin or even slim, just healthy. Thing is I know what I need to do, eat less, move more! This diet malarky isn’t that hard, its just not always that fun!

I hope to leave inspired and energised to start this next chapter of healthy living

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